Ever feel foggy, irritable, or forgetful? Your brain might be signaling for help! I’m Jessie Inchauspé, the Glucose Goddess—a biochemist obsessed with decoding how food impacts your brain, mood, and long-term health. Forget pills—let’s supercharge your mind with delicious meals. In this episode, we explore brain fog, mood swings, mental health, and Alzheimer’s, all tied to glucose spikes. Plus, I’ll share my top hacks to keep your brain thriving as you age. Ready to feel sharper? Let’s dive in!

Boost brain power with Brain Actives! This nootropic enhances memory and focus naturally. Click to order Brain Actives and unlock your mind’s potential!

Discover Brain Actives, a modern supplement designed to support brain health during times of intense mental and physical effort. Learn how its blend of 10 ingredients can improve memory, concentration, learning speed, and reaction time in our detailed review.

My Journey: From Broken Brain to Glucose Discovery

Mental health struggles drove me into glucose science. In my 20s, depression, anxiety, dissociation, and panic attacks—stemming from a spinal injury at 19—left my brain shattered. Therapy helped, but stabilizing glucose was my breakthrough. Big spikes worsened my symptoms; steady levels sparked healing. Food shapes who you are—your brain feels it daily and over decades. Let’s make it healthier, not sicker, as we age!

Support mood with Restilen! This natural formula eases anxiety, aiding glucose stability. Get Restilen now for calm clarity!

Discover Restilen, a natural supplement designed to combat stress effectively by increasing resistance, reducing symptoms, and alleviating fatigue. Ideal for men and women suffering from stress, anxiety, or nervousness, with benefits visible from the first day of use. Explore its effectiveness in our detailed review.

Brain Fog: Clearing the Cotton

Brain fog—feeling underwater, fuzzy, unfocused—plagued me. Science now links it to glucose spikes. A study, Effects of Differences in Postprandial Glycemia on Cognitive Functions, showed sugary breakfasts spike glucose, dulling memory and attention. Another, in diabetic rats, found frequent spikes slow nerve conduction velocity—how fast neurons talk. Slower signals? Foggier brain. Steady glucose keeps you sharp—ditch the cotton!

Enhance cognition with Brain Actives! This blend boosts recall, fighting fog. Order Brain Actives here for mental edge!

Discover Brain Actives, a modern supplement designed to support brain health during times of intense mental and physical effort. Learn how its blend of 10 ingredients can improve memory, concentration, learning speed, and reaction time in our detailed review.

Mood & Irritability: The Voodoo Doll Study

Ever get hangry? Glucose swings might be why. A hilarious study, Low Glucose Relates to Greater Aggression in Married Couples, gave 100+ couples voodoo dolls of their spouses. For three weeks, they pinned them when irritated, while glucose was tracked. Steady levels? Fewer pins. Low dips (post-spike crashes)? More pins—spouses were pricklier! Spikes may lower tyrosine, a mood-balancing neurotransmitter. Parents say my hacks zen them and their kids—less tantrums, more patience.

Steady energy with NuviaLab Vitality! This men’s formula balances mood and glucose. Get NuviaLab Vitality now for calm vibes!

Discover NuviaLab Vitality, a comprehensive supplement for active men, designed to enhance energy, vitality, fertility, libido, and muscle function with natural plant extracts, vitamins, and minerals. Learn how it supports overall male health in our detailed review.

Mental Health: Glucose as Foundation

My mental health crumbled—glucose spikes made it worse. Inflammation from spikes hits the brain, despite the blood-brain barrier, worsening anxiety and depression. A Dutch study, Incident Major Depressive Disorder Predicted by Insulin Resistance, followed 600 people for nine years. Those developing insulin resistance (from spikes) had an 89% higher depression risk. Food isn’t the whole fix—I paired hacks with EMDR therapy—but stable glucose gave me energy to heal.

Support gut-brain health with Probiosin Plus! This probiotic reduces inflammation, aiding mental clarity. Order Probiosin Plus here for balance!

Boost digestion with Probiosin Plus! This probiotic restores gut health, aligning with Willem’s raw food focus.

Alzheimer’s: Type 3 Diabetes?

Alzheimer’s, dubbed “type 3 diabetes,” links to glucose and insulin resistance. Brains of patients show inflammation and glycation—hallmarks of type 2 diabetes. A 38-year study, Midlife Lipid and Glucose Levels Are Associated with Alzheimer’s Disease, tracked 3,200 people from ages 35-50. High midlife glucose? 14.5% higher Alzheimer’s risk later. It’s not all genetic—diet matters! Steady glucose now may prevent decline, and some studies hint at reversing early damage with food shifts.

Detox with Spirulin Plus! This fights inflammation, protecting against decline. Get Spirulin Plus now for brain longevity!

Discover Spirulin Plus, a powerful supplement designed to deacidify your body, remove excess water, and boost your immune system. Learn how Spirulina, the main ingredient, works to detoxify and protect your health in our comprehensive review.

My Top 4 Glucose Hacks for Brain Health

Stabilize glucose, boost your brain—try these hacks (get all 10 free in the PDF below!):

  1. Savory Breakfast: Skip sugary cereal—spikes dull cognition. Go savory to stay sharp.
  2. Veggie Starter: Fiber before meals cuts spikes, protecting neurons.
  3. Sugar as Dessert: Never on an empty stomach—eat it post-meal to slow glucose hits.
  4. Move After Eating: 10 minutes of walking or calf raises burns glucose, steadying levels.

Can’t always hack it? My Anti-Spike Formula (link below) cuts carb spikes by 40%—plant-based, backed by 25 trials.

Support recovery with Night Mega Burner! This aids sleep and brain repair. Order Night Mega Burner here for restful sharpness!

Discover Night Mega Burner, a multi-ingredient supplement designed to reduce body fat while you sleep. Learn how it supports weight loss, reduces stress, enhances sleep, and regulates hormones, all with a blend of 10 natural ingredients in our in-depth review.

Take Action: Feed Your Brain Right

Your brain’s pleading—listen! Glucose spikes fog it, sour moods, strain mental health, and risk Alzheimer’s. Start with my hacks—download the free 10-hack PDF below. Pair with therapy or lifestyle shifts for a solid foundation. Like, comment your fave hack, and subscribe for more brain science!

Boost overall wellness with NuviaLab! This offers natural brain solutions. Explore NuviaLab here to thrive sharp!

NuviaLab is an online pharmacy with a wide range of supplements tailored for health and wellness, including cholesterol management.

What’s your brain food? Share below—I’ll reply!

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